Fragrance of Norway

We are launching soon

01 / About Us

Each fragrance project represents a unique journey

Each fragrance project represents a unique journey, where every individual component is carefully selected to convey a story or an emotion. The meticulously chosen scent notes may be inspired by the landscape, culture, nature, or traditions that characterize Norway. Through these fragrance combinations, users are given the opportunity to experience and explore the various facets of Norway in a sensory way. The scents can, for instance, capture the essence of lush forests, refreshing fjords, deep mountains, or the afternoon air after a rain shower. The storytelling becomes a link between the user and the Norwegian surroundings, capable of creating memories and evoking feelings. Each time a user experiences a scent from the project, they may be transported to a specific place or moment in time, making the experience even more personal and meaningful. In this way, a fragrance project can provide a deeper understanding of and connection to Norway, while also sparking curiosity and inviting reflection. It becomes a journey not just in space, but also in senses, memories, and stories.

02 / Fragrances

We are creating unique staff. Meet our featured projects.

Be what you would seem to be - or, if you'd like it put more simply - never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.

03 / Contact

Fragrance of Norway

Feel free to contact us on any of channels below:


Fossegrenda 34
7038 Trondheim